How To Collect Photography

The Olympic, Barnes, London


Olympic Studios presents




Black Box Projects in conversation 

with Carrie Scott & Partners 


Tuesday 17 March, 7.30 pm



Despite today’s proliferation of photographic images, photography is still a relatively young medium as a fine art. However the market for photography has been on the increase since the 1980s and is a great entry point when 

starting an art collection.


The Olympic brings together a panel of specialists to discuss the history of photography and its role in today’s art world, to explain photographic processes and demystify the language of the marketplace.


The panel is moderated by Anna Kirrage, co-founder of Black Box Projects who welcomes Carrie Scott, art historian, independent curator and consultant, in discussion with Kathlene Fox-Davies, photography expert, curator and co-founder of Black Box Projects, a contemporary gallery committed to working with artists who push the limits of traditional photographic practice.




The Music Room, Olympic Studios

117 - 123 Church Road

Barnes, London 

SW13 9HL



Spaces limited



February 25, 2020
of 79